Sóc només pols, però em penso estrella.

divendres, 24 d’agost del 2012

Parc Güell

El post que segueix, sobre el Parc Güell,  és una còpia del comentari enviat al bloc Left side of the road, administrat per un escriptor viatger, el senyor Michael Harrison de Liverpool (UK).

Park Güell

It’s good you are talking about Antoni Gaudí and issues in common amongst complaining tourists and residents near the park.

I wish to make only a historical remark. The first time Socialists took over Barcelona City Hall was in 1979. The first democratic elections after the Civil War were on the 15th of June 1977, but those were for the Parliament in Madrid. The second were in April ‘79 and those were also for the Parliament. And the third were also in April 79 and those, yes, were local and the so called Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya (PSC-PSOE) won and governed the city until two years ago.

The reason the System prepared these political events following precisely this chronological order, is due to the fact that the post-Franco Regime – after General Franco’s death in 1975 – well remembered the grand father of King Juan Carlos, Alfonso XIII, who was thrown off his throne just because the Spanish people had voted massively and overwhelmingly for the Republican parties in local polls, on the 14th of April 1931 and then,the next day, the Second Spanish Republic was proclamed.